Stamp - Cape of Good Hope -New Foundland - Dealers day
Philatelic day Dortmund - Mail coach
Philatelic exhibition Berlin - Nude woman
Philatelic day Nurnberg - Bayern - Mail coach
Postillion - Postman - Pipe smoking
Philatelic day Berlin - Philatelic Exhibition
Post inspectors
Mail coach - Horse - Philatelic day Nurnberg - Stamp Bayern
Postman - Pipe smoking
Philatelic exhibition Dusseldorf - Goya stamp Spain
Philatelic exhibition Leipzig - Stamps
Stamp Day - Cassablanca
Helicopter mail
Stamp Exhibition PhilexFrance - Ceres
Stamp Exhibition Belgarden 1938
Postal Mechanisation - Transorma AAAAA
Not accepted Rhodesian Stamps - Post War - Label Postmark ...
Philatelic Exhibition
Shipping receipt
Tin Can Island - Canoe Mail
100 anniversary of the Stamp - Train - Mail coach
Philatelic day Berlin - Stamp
Stamp exhibition Berlin - Stamp South West Africa
Stamp exhibition Hamburg - Stamp
100th Anniversary Grand Duchy of Baden - Stamps
Exhibition - Saxony stamps
Philatec - Philately & Technique - Exhibition
Stamp exhibition Berlin - Infla stamp
Stamp exhibition Berlin - Stamp
Philatelic day Munchen - Stamp Bayern
Stagecoach - Horse
Rocket mail - Herta - Gerhard Zucker
Rocket mail - Gerhard Zucker
L.E.H.E. - Stamp Exhibition - Cross
Uniforms and Caps for Postmen