Book printing - Grossrohrsdorf - Weaving
Chalcography - Copperplate engraving
Printing press
Brazilian press
Poster - Fisher - Casino - Holidays
Imprimerie moutier
Duplicating machine - Stencil - Offset - Gestetner - Diemen
Griffin - Lion - Eagle - Graphic Corporate Funds
Duplicating machine - Stencil - Offset - Gestetner
Duplicating machine - Gestetner
Loupe - Henkes Senefelder - Printed Matter - Purmerend
Printing press - The Hague
Publisher - Lion - Flag- Doetinchem
Type-foundry - Amsterdam
State Printing and Publishing Company
Elsevier - Publisher - Reading
ASM Lithography
Printing house - Edouard Plantet
Book - Art - Poster printing
Mergenthaler Linotype Co. - Printing machine
Duplicating machine - Car accessories - Corrugated factory
Stencil - Offset - Gestetner
Stencil - Offsetmachine - Gestetner
Printing machine - Gestetner
Printing press - Stamps - Official document