Rainbow - There is Hope - Agape - Doorn
Religion - Quaker
Christ of Havana
Devout Celebration - Incineration of the boat
Madonna and Child
The Good Samaritan - Emilo Greco
The young Virgin praying - Zurbaran
Madonna and Child - Albrecht Durer
Pieta - Michelangelo
Prophet Isaiha -Michelangelo
Council of Trent
Saint Peter
Synod of Ingelheim
Silver Palm
Lamb of God - Agnus Dei
Priest clothing - Monastery needs
Kevelaer - Pilgrimage place
St. Dimpna - Decapitation
Holy Heart
God Blessed America - Home of the Free
Maria - Peanut
Preaching of Paul in Athens
Flute player - Cow
St. Martin - Soldier - Coat - Horse
Maharishi Ayur Veda - Technology Corporation
St. Gabriel
Missionary work - Africa
Wartburg - Castle - Martin Luther
Madonna and Child - Hans Holbein
Madonna and Child - Raffael
Pope Pius XII - Consecration anniversary
National pilgrimage - Lourdes - Rome - Echternach
Saint Bonifatius - Bible - Sword - Dokkum
Knigjts of the Immacuata - Franciscan Friars of Marytown
Cherub - Angel
New English Bible
Hour of Power - Crystal Cathedral
Halloween - Pumpkin
Church Robes - Stadelmaier - Nijmegen
Smoking flax - Bible - Lamp - St. Annaparochie
Saint Servatius - Sarbatios of Aravatius - Key - Maastricht
Angel - World of Beauty