Results 31 - 40 of 71


Postal stationery Natal

Jinricksha - Jinrikisha - Durban - The Bluff

€ 30,00

Postal stationery Bayern 1910

Argon - Transport - Wheel wing

€ 30,00

Postal stationery Soviet Union 1981

Train - Ship - Airplane - Truck

€ 5,00

Postal cheque cover France 1937

Transportation - Trucking

€ 30,00

Postal cheque cover France 1937

General Transport Office

€ 35,00

Meter cover Deutsches Reich / Germany 1930

Norddeutscher Lloyd - Ocean liner - Freight loading

€ 25,00

Meter cover Deutsche Reichspost / Germany 1939

Ehrhardt Schneider - Forwarding - Shipping

€ 12,50