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Results 1 - 45 of 75

Churches / Cathedrals

Local mail stationery Giessen

Churches - City of Giessen - University Ludoviciana

€ 75,00

Postal stationery Austria 1950

Cathedral St. Stephan Vienna

€ 60,00

Fieldpost postcard Germany / Belgium 1915

Church - Dinant - Chicken - WWI

€ 50,00

Postal stationery Germany

Market Church - Shop

€ 35,00

Fieldpost postcard Germany / France 1915

Church - War damage - WWI

€ 35,00

Postal stationery Germany 1937

Churches Breslau - Singer Festival

€ 30,00

France 2000 - Epreuve / Proof signed by engraver

Saint Guilhem Le Desert - Abbey

€ 25,00

France 2000 - Epreuve / Proof signed by engraver

Benedictine monastery Ottmarsheim

€ 25,00

France 1999 - Epreuve / Proof signed by engraver

Monastery Ruins - Saint Emilion - Jurade - Wine

€ 25,00

France 1999 - Epreuve / Proof signed by engraver

Saint-Sauveur Abbey - Church of Figeac

€ 25,00

France 1999 - Epreuve / Proof signed by engraver

Arnaud de Moles - Stained glass - Auch Cathedral

€ 25,00

Fieldpost postcard Germany 1916

Church - Horse - WWI

€ 25,00

Maximum card Belgium 1938

Basilica of Koekelberg - Brussel

€ 25,00

Fieldpost postcard Germany / Poland 1917

Church - Brest - Litovsk - WWI

€ 20,00

Maximum card Belgium 1938

Basilica of Koekelberg - Brussel

€ 20,00

Maximum card Italy 1958

Basilica of Lourdes

€ 17,50

Postcard / Postmark France 1938

Cathedral Reims - Inauguration

€ 15,00

Postal stationery Netherlands 1936

Church Haarlem - Philatelic Day

€ 15,00

Maximum card Austria 1957

Basilica Mariazell

€ 12,50

Postal stationery Soviet Union 1963

Red Square - Cathedral - Kremlin - Car - Bus

€ 10,00

Postal stationery Portugal 1898

Church of Jeronimos

€ 10,00

Maximum card France 1956

Cathedral Reims - Palace Florence - Botticelli

€ 10,00

Maximum card Liechtenstein 1957

Church St. Mamerten Triesen

€ 10,00

Postal stationery France

Stained glass windows - Sainte Chapelle Paris

€ 10,00

Meter cover Netherlands 1975

Church tower - Leeuwarden

€ 7,50

Postal stationery China 2009

Notre Dame - Victor Hugo - The Hunchback of Notre Dame

€ 7,50

Meter cover France 2003

Church - Neuville

€ 7,50
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