Results 41 - 50 of 212

Film / Cinema

Postal stationery Germany 2000

Katja - The uncrowned Empress

€ 7,50

Postal stationery / Postmark Germany 2000

Katja - The uncrowned Empress

€ 10,00

Postal stationery Japan

Charlie Chaplin

€ 10,00

Card / Postmark Austria 1964

The Sound of Music - Film - Musical

€ 15,00

Maximum card Sweden 1981

Cries and Whispers - Film

€ 7,50

Postcard / Postmark Germany 1982

International Film Week

€ 10,00

Cover / Postmark France 1955

Biennial - Photo - Movie - Optic

€ 10,00

Card / Postmark France 1947

Film Festival Cannes

€ 10,00

Postal stationery Russia 2001

Mikhail Romm - Film director -

€ 5,00

Postal stationery Russia 1998

Lyubov Orlova - Volga Volga

€ 5,00